Q. 3 Comment briefly on the following statements: a) Persuasion is a fact of modern life b) Stress is moderated by anxiety and burnout. c) Job design is a continuous process. d) Culture is the social glue that helps hold the organisation together.



Course Code : MCO – 01 

Course Title : Organisation Theory and Behavior

Assignment Code : MCO - 01 /TMA/2022-23 

Coverage : All Blocks

Q. 3 Comment briefly on the following statements: 

a) Persuasion is a fact of modern life 

b) Stress is moderated by anxiety and burnout. 

c) Job design is a continuous process. 

d) Culture is the social glue that helps hold the organisation together. 

Answer (a)

The statement "Persuasion is a fact of modern life" is generally true. Persuasion is a communication process in which a person or group attempts to influence the attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors of another person or group. In modern society, persuasion is used in a variety of contexts, such as advertising, marketing, politics, and social interactions.

In advertising and marketing, companies use persuasion to convince consumers to buy their products or services. In politics, candidates use persuasion to gain support from voters. In social interactions, people use persuasion to influence the behavior of others and to achieve their goals.

While persuasion can be used for positive purposes, such as promoting healthy behaviors or encouraging social change, it can also be used in manipulative or unethical ways. For example, companies may use deceptive advertising to persuade consumers to buy products that are not beneficial or necessary, or politicians may use misleading statements to persuade voters to support their agenda.

Overall, persuasion is a complex phenomenon that is pervasive in modern society, and it is important for individuals to be aware of the techniques used in persuasion and to critically evaluate the messages they receive.

Answer (b) 

The statement "Stress is moderated by anxiety and burnout" is partially true. While anxiety and burnout can be related to stress, they are not necessarily moderators of stress.

Stress is a response to a real or perceived threat or challenge that activates the body's fight-or-flight response, resulting in physical and psychological reactions. Stress can be caused by a variety of factors, such as work demands, financial pressures, relationship problems, or health concerns.

Anxiety is a psychological response to stress that involves excessive worry, fear, and apprehension. Anxiety can be a normal and adaptive response to stress, but when it becomes chronic or overwhelming, it can lead to anxiety disorders, which can exacerbate stress.

Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion that results from prolonged exposure to chronic stressors, such as work demands or caregiving responsibilities. Burnout can lead to feelings of cynicism, detachment, and a reduced sense of accomplishment, which can further increase stress.

While anxiety and burnout can be related to stress, they are not necessarily moderators of stress. Moderators are factors that influence the strength or direction of the relationship between two variables. For example, social support can moderate the relationship between stress and health outcomes by reducing the negative effects of stress on health.

Overall, while anxiety and burnout can be related to stress, they are not necessarily moderators of stress. It is important to recognize the different factors that can contribute to stress and to develop effective stress management strategies to reduce its negative effects on physical and mental health.

Answer (c)

The statement "Job design is a continuous process" is generally true. Job design is the process of defining the content, structure, and characteristics of a job in order to optimize productivity, quality, and employee satisfaction. Job design involves a range of activities, such as analyzing the tasks and responsibilities of a job, determining the skills and knowledge required, and designing the work environment.

Job design is a continuous process because it needs to adapt to changes in the work environment, technology, and workforce. As organizations evolve and grow, the jobs within them must also adapt to meet changing demands. For example, if a company introduces new technology or changes its production processes, it may require a redesign of jobs to ensure that employees have the skills and knowledge necessary to use the new technology or work effectively in the new processes.

In addition, job design is an ongoing process because it is important to continually monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of job design strategies. By assessing the outcomes of job design, such as employee performance, satisfaction, and turnover, organizations can identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes to optimize job design.

Overall, job design is a continuous process because it requires ongoing analysis, adaptation, and evaluation in order to meet the changing needs of the organization and its employees.

Answer (d)

The statement "Culture is the social glue that helps hold the organization together" is generally true. Organizational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and norms that shape the way people in an organization interact with each other and with external stakeholders. Organizational culture plays a crucial role in shaping the attitudes and behaviors of employees, as well as in defining the organization's identity and purpose.

Organizational culture serves as a social glue that helps hold the organization together in several ways. First, it promotes a sense of identity and belonging among employees, which can increase their motivation and commitment to the organization. When employees share common values and beliefs, they are more likely to work together towards common goals and to support each other in times of difficulty.

Second, organizational culture helps to establish norms of behavior that guide employee conduct. When employees understand what is expected of them in terms of behavior and performance, they are more likely to comply with organizational policies and procedures, leading to a more cohesive and productive work environment.

Finally, organizational culture can help to facilitate communication and collaboration among employees. When employees share a common language and set of values, they are more likely to work together effectively and to communicate in ways that are clear and effective.

Overall, organizational culture serves as a social glue that helps to hold the organization together by promoting a sense of identity and belonging, establishing norms of behavior, and facilitating communication and collaboration among employees.

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